Privacy policy


Personal Information:

Personal information includes information or opinion use to reasonably identify an individual. The information or opinion will still be a personal information whether its true or not or any altered name has been entered.


Personal Information We Collect:

While making order it is compulsory to enter name, address, email and phone number (optional). We hold the information in our database to identify the order in the future for any unforeseen reason.

If you have subscribe to our newsletter, we will only have record of your name and email.

We don’t collect or save any payment information. We use third party secured payment gateway and the payment details are not disclosed to us.


Purpose We Collect Personal Information:

The main purpose to collect personal information is

–          Send order to correct address and person

–          Able to identify your order in the future

–          Sending you the information about your product.

–          Sending you promotional offers


Ways We Collect Personal Information:

All the personal information we collect is directly from you. The information can be provided by you to our website, facebook page or other social media network.


Ways We Hold Personal Information:

Much of the information is stored electronically in secured data centres.

The access to personal information is secured by various electronic measures and for additional safety data is moved to non network data storage as soon as order is completed.


Disclose Of Personal Information:

The personal information is only disclosed to the employee sending you the order or newsletter.

Generally, we disclose personal information to organisations that help us with our business. These may include:

  • insurers
  • payment systems operators (for example, paypal or eway)
  • debt collectors;
  • our financial advisers, legal advisers or auditors;
  • your representatives (including your legal adviser, accountant, mortgage broker, financial adviser, executor, administrator, guardian, trustee, or attorney);
  • fraud bureaus or other organisations to identify, investigate or prevent fraud or other misconduct;
  • external dispute resolution schemes;
  • regulatory bodies, government agencies and law enforcement bodies in any jurisdiction.


We have to disclose personal information to other institutions if we are required by law to do so.


If you have any further question, please feel free to contact us via contact page.